• Asian American Voters Association

  • Our Mission

    The Asian American Voters Association is a non-profit organization that promotes racial equality through Asian American voter turnout. We aim to effectively mobilize Asian voters to promote civic engagement and increase governmental representation of Asian American interests.

    Why the Issue is Important

    This November, 15 million Asian Americans are eligible to vote in America. Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial group in the US electorate. Despite recent substantial gains in the number of eligible Asian voters, Asians have maintained their decades-long position as the ethnic group with the lowest voter turnout. According to the US Census Bureau, Asian Americans have a 10 percentage point turnout gap compared to White voters, who make up the majority of the US electorate. Racial disparities remain entrenched in our electoral system, leaving Asian American voters behind. Increasing Asian voter participation is essential, as the larger the Asian voting block is, the more representative the US government will be of Asian American interests. These are millions of eligible Asian American voters who, if mobilized, could have a transformative impact on the 2024 elections and future elections to come.